FileZilla: Finally, a worthy replacement for leechFTP

I’ve used leechFTP for years. In fact, I’ve been using it for many years since they stopped developing it. I’ve gotten used to the German error messages, occasional crashes and other oddities because until now, there was no equal. The main advantage leechFTP had over any other client was that it did threaded uploads/downloads. This was a *huge* time saver when uploading & downloading a bunch of tiny files. With any FTP client, it usually takes longer to open and close the connection than to download a < 10k file. The ability to do a bunch of these at the same time drastically cuts transfer times.

Then, I found out about FileZilla. Cross-platform and open source, there is no downside. The main feature I like is that it supports up to 4 simultaneous threads. Another bonus is the quick connect menu, so you can quickly access your saved sites with just one click. It’s been rock-solid, and the error messages are in English 🙂 rating: 5 out of 5!


Do you buy from Amazon? You need Amazon Price Watch.

If you buy from Amazon, you should be using Amazon Price Watch. Here’s how it works… You just put in the URL to what you purchased, along with your email address, and they notify you when the price for the item drops.

Why is this useful, you ask? Because Amazon has a price guarantee that, for 30 days, if the price drops, they’ll happily refund you the difference, for as many times as they drop the price. I’ve probably gotten about $50 in refunds using this service this past month to monitor my new camera equipment. Let me know if you end up trying it and if it works for you at


Welcome to my new site!

I’ve finally given in and started my own blog. Nobody’s going to read it, but I needed somewhere to post stuff not appropriate for the Webapper blog. I’m not entirely sure what all I’m going to do here, but I guess I can do anything I like since nobody’s reading 🙂

I also re-designed my site. Since I’ve been doing nearly 100% Flex development for over a year now, I figured that I should eat my own dog food. Yes, this blog isn’t in Flex, but I’d rather that search engines pick it up.

I’ll be adding to and refining the site over time. I’ll probably start with re-skinning the blog from the default blogCFC colors.
